Coded Logic
JoinedPosts by Coded Logic
God evolved from chimpanzee diety
by freemindfade inresearchers say todays lord almighty shares many traits in common with the chimp deity, including color vision and omniscience.. .
berkeley, cachallenging long-held views on the origins of divinity, biologists at the university of california, berkeley, presented findings thursday that confirm god, the almighty creator of the universe, evolved from an ancient chimpanzee deity.. the recently discovered sacred ancestor, a divine chimp species scientists have named pan sanctorum, reportedly gave rise over millions of years to the lord our god, maker of heaven and earth.. although perhaps not obvious at first glance, there are actually overwhelming similarities between the supreme being of today and this early primate deity who preceded him, said dr. richard kamen, a leading biologist who also heads berkeleys paleotheology department.
the holy chimp moved around on all fours, but its descendants eventually began walking upright to expend less energy while foraging across the infinite reaches of the universe.
Mother and Unborn Baby Die from blood transfusion refusal
by Coded Logic init's a very sad story.
their deaths were completely avoidable if she hadn't refused the blood transfusion:.
Coded Logic
It's a very sad story. Their deaths were completely avoidable if she hadn't refused the blood transfusion:
Question on Genesis 6:5
by Ricardopf insince genesis 6:5 is true, does that not clearly state genesis 6:8 is evil?
finding favor in his eyes is equivalent to fear of being unfavorable in his eyes.
jehovah accepted that forced respect from noah for it came from his own will to follow in jehovah's path to avoid what would happen if he became unfavorable.
Coded Logic
Andrea Pia Kennedy Yates (born July 2, 1964) is a former resident of Houston, Texas, who confessed to drowning her five children in their bathtub on June 20, 2001.
If you think she's a monster, let me ask you this: How many children did God drown in the flood? What kind of father is he?
Theist say the darndest things
by Coded Logic inif i had a dollar for everytime i heard a religious person make one of these claims i'd be a wealthy man.. theist: who are you to question god?.
me: i'm not questioning god, i'm questioning you.
please learn the difference.
Coded Logic
If I had a dollar for everytime I heard a religious person make one of these claims I'd be a wealthy man.
Theist: Who are you to question God?
Me: I'm not questioning God, I'm questioning you. Please learn the difference. God isn't the one claiming he exists. You are. I'm not having a conversation with God. I'm having a conversation with you.
Theist: Why do you hate God?
Me: I don't hate God, I just think you're claiming to know things you can't possibly know and have abilities that you don't actually have. We have a word for such behavior - it's called Arrogance.
Theist: You reject God because you're afraid / want to sin / etc.
Me: I'm not afraid of there being a God. Because if there is a God, I will continue treating people as best I can - as I already do. I value the well-being of sentient creatures regardless of the existence or nonexistence of deities. No God(s) necessary.
However, I do believe that you're the one who's afraid that their may be no God - as then you - and you alone- will be accountable for your actions. No grace - no pardoning - no blood sacrifices for eternal forgiveness. You will have to go to bed each night knowing that your actions, good or bad, will echo into the future. That you can no longer beg off responsibility to your fellow man by appealing to a human sacrifice.
People are only as good as how they treat others. And if a God would choose to value unjustified belief over positive actions then that's not a God worth worshiping. It's a God worth pitying.
Some Questions About Jesus
by Coded Logic inwhy didn't jesus ever write anything?
why are there no letters to jesus?
no painting of jesus from that time?
Coded Logic
I posed the question, "Why don't we have a single first hand account of Jesus?"
To which you cited a whole list of people who weren't even born yet when Jesus died and a bunch of writings that were written decades after Jesus died. THESE ARE NOT FIRST HAND ACCOUNTS!
Sorry for the caps, but I don't know why it's so difficult for you to understand what a firsthand account is. It's someone who actually met Jesus. NOT someone who NEVER met Jesus.
According to the scriptures, Jesus met with the High Priest, Pontius Pilate, and Herod Antipater. This would be like meeting the Pope, the Secretary of Defense, and the President of the United States. The Jesus described in the Bible is someone who was well known and had great influence.
That we don't have a single writing to him, from him, or about him from a contemporary of his time shows no such prominent man existed. And the contradictions in his date of birth (by no less than ten years!) and not a single record about his execution - is highly, highly suspect.
Christianity isn't a product of Jesus. Jesus is a product of Christianity.
Some Questions About Jesus
by Coded Logic inwhy didn't jesus ever write anything?
why are there no letters to jesus?
no painting of jesus from that time?
Coded Logic
Why didn't Jesus ever write anything? Why are there no letters to Jesus? No painting of Jesus from that time? No busts or sculptures? Why does Matthew say Jesus was born before 3BC while Luke says Jesus was born after 7AD?
Why do Jesus' brothers, whom he supposedly grew up with, James and Jude, never mention that they are Jesus brothers? Why don't they speak of him as a man - but only ever speak of him as a spirit?
How is it that Paul, a man who never met Jesus, became the founder of the Christian church?
Why are all the Gospels written by anonymous authors in third person? Why don't we have a single first hand account of Jesus? And why can't they agree on when he was born, when he died, or the order of events that took place during his life?Is Jesus a man turned legend? Or just a myth all together?
New to all of this
by Ghiagirl ini was raised in the truth my whole life, my immediate family are jws and my moms mom is a witness as well as my fathers mom.
other than that the rest of my family are non jws.
i was raised very balanced, my parents never forced the truth on me or my siblings like most of my friends parents did getting baptized at ridiculous ages!
Coded Logic
People are only as good as how they treat others. It's so weird to me that JWs are all hung up on "being perfect" but can't even be good to their own families. -
Jesus Saves From What? March 2015 Watchtower Article
by Perry ini just skimmed the titled article on and once again the watchtower is misdirecting:. .
they try and make the old case that jesus saves us from being destroyed at armageddon.
Coded Logic
The contract is a legal instrument used to justify giving life to humans since we are all born dead in Adam.
- PerryI'm sorry, but I'm very confused by this answer. It honestly doesn't make sense to me. Can you please explain what you mean by "justify giving life to humans"? And wouldn't any such a justification be necessary before our birth?
Also, what do you mean by "born dead in Adam"? Is this a reference to sin?
If it is a reference to sin, why aren't those who believe in Jesus now free from sin? And if this contract justifies humans having life, then why do Christians still die?
All Gays Are Perverts
by Coded Logic in"scientists may never resolve exactly how much of a role nature and nurturing play in same-sex attraction.
but one thing is clear: all humans are born with the tendency to succumb to wrong thinking and inclinations.
--romans 3:23. a youth who desires to please god must therefore conform to his moral standards and shun immoral behavior, though doing so may be agonizingly difficult.
Coded Logic
Perhaps a straight person on here could share their discomfort as a JW with thinking all gay people were bad. -
Jesus Saves From What? March 2015 Watchtower Article
by Perry ini just skimmed the titled article on and once again the watchtower is misdirecting:. .
they try and make the old case that jesus saves us from being destroyed at armageddon.
Coded Logic
I was hoping you could clarify a few things for me. I apologise if my questions seem really basic but there's such a wide variety of beliefs within Christianity it's hard to know the position of anyone Christian on any given topic.
You spoke about John 3:18 and belief. Do you believe that "belief" is the metric via which people are saved or condemned? If so, what constitutes belief?
Also, do you think being condemned means hell (like the rich man being burned in Jesus parable about Lazarus)? Or does it mean something else?